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About War of Rights

War of Rights was developed by Campfire Games and was initially released in 2016. It is an immersive Civil War simulator with an emphasis on communication and cooperation among players. There are continious updates and free additions to the game.


Events and Regiments

There will always be at least one server hosting a battle anyone can join at any time. These are public events where anyone can lead.

 At certain times, there will be one or more passworded servers with 100 to 300 players. These are private events. To play a private event, you must join a regiment. Regiments are like clans, and there are plenty of them that primarily play on the USA and CSA sides. Some popular USA regiments are IX Corps, 30th Ohio, 6th Wisconsin, and many more. Some popular CSA regiments are Hood's Division, 13th Georgia, II Corps, and many more. All regiments have different styles and policies, but it is a general rule of thumb that one cannot be part of two or more regiments at once. It is always a good idea to explore and find the right regiment for you!

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Controls and Basic Game Mechanics

War of Rights has standard FPS controls, such as R to reload, Right-Click to aim, Left-Click to fire, and Control to crouch. You can press R while reloading to cancel your reload. To fix a bayonet, press B and press V to enter melee mode. Press T to view other players' names and your compass. Press N to talk in-game. Press Alt to look around without moving your character. Press C to enter double-quick and press C again to enter quick-time. Press Shift to sprint. Press Enter to type in chat.

Matches in War of Rights are centered around the Point(s) of Contention. There is always an attacker and a defender. Player deaths cost your team tickets. Being In Formation will count less toward your team's tickets than being Out of Line (alone). 

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